Increase Your Confidence to Boost Your Career
You can have the most impressive resume in the world, but without confidence you will continue spinning your wheels in search of career fulfillment.
Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?
I’ll never be good enough for that position; I don’t stand out.
The job market is too saturated; it's not worth it to try.
I can't break into that industry; I don’t have any connections.
Everyone else is getting ahead while I’m stuck.
Friends, I hear you - and I have 100% been there. I know how vulnerable and discouraging the job search process can feel.
I also know how much will CHANGE when you shake off the pity party, boost your confidence, and adjust your mindset.
Using my Secrets to Cultivating Career Confidence, I empower my clients to overcome self-doubt and clear out the mental garbage that is holding them back.
1. Harness an Abundance Mindset - A growth mindset embraces the opportunity for improvement and progress, whereas a fixed mindset sees situations as static and unchangeable. How often do we unconsciously slip into a fixed mindset by thinking that we'll never get the raise we deserve, or be supported by our boss, or be invited for a second interview, because 'that's just the way it is'? This type of thinking kills our confidence and stifles our ability to grow and learn. Adopting a growth mindset - especially at work - allows us to see challenges, criticisms, or frustrations as opportunities to elevate ourselves as professionals.
2. Adopt a Growth Mindset - While someone with a scarcity mindset is fearful and competitive because they believe there will never be 'enough' to go around (ex. 'there are no jobs'), someone with an abundance mindset is optimistic and generous because they believe there will always be 'enough' (ex. 'there are still plenty of opportunities available'). When you adopt an abundance mindset, you recognize that you always have OPTIONS. You recognize that companies ARE still hiring and you CAN still thrive in this crazy job market.
3. Prove it to Yourself - The number one thing that will boost your career confidence? EXPERIENCE. When I was a brand new career coach, I was so nervous about developing and presenting career workshops. It was less about a fear of public speaking and more about the vulnerability of sharing my original ideas and content. Would my material resonate with anyone? Would it be creative enough? Would my boss wonder why the heck she hired me?
Guess how my first workshop went? Even though I'd practiced at least 10 times, I totally FLOPPED in the first five minutes! Seriously. I introduced myself with the wrong last name!!! (I said my maiden name even though I'd been using my married name for years already). UGH. But I kept going, made it through the workshop, and received great feedback about my performance, minus my innocent flub. As I went on to present dozens more workshops, my confidence increased with every single one. Because I had proved to myself that I could do it. I may continue to make small mistakes, but I can learn and adjust and will be more confident next time.
Friends, adjusting your mindset will impact your beliefs, your behaviors, and ultimately, your results in your job search.